Philip Li

Founder & CEO of Dile Solutions

DILE Solutions Radically Improves its Cash Flow with PortPro's TMS

Read more about the challenges DILE Solutions faced using an older legacy system, and how PortPro’s technology has been a game-changer for their employees and drivers. Not only are they saving valuable time managing 250-300 shipments weekly, but their cash flow has dramatically improved as a result of faster, more accurate billing. The new hybrid solution gives them ONE central place to access everything they need for both their trucking and brokerage divisions – giving them full transparency in real time.

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Type Of Company

Asset and Brokerage Transportation Company


Atlanta, Georgia

Years in Business


Executive Brief

Philip Li is co-founder and CEO of DILE Solutions, a logistics services company focusing on providing the best in class transportation and warehousing solutions with a highly integrated global network. DILE leverages its people and technology to help customers better manage their products efficiently through their supply chain. Philip’s background as a Corporal Unit Leader with the U.S. Marine Corps, and supply chain roles at  major retailers like Home Depot and Haverty’s Furniture prepared him for the highly competitive drayage industry. Under his leadership, DILE Solutions has tripled in size and continues to expand operations.

You had a legacy system in place but experienced lots of limitations. Tell us more about your challenges early on.

The interface we had was not designed for large scale operations. It's more for brokers that handle smaller (10-20) shipments per week – not 250-200 shipments per week that we do. It was also not user-friendly and difficult to use.  Working with PortPro has been like “night and day”. It’s superior to what we experienced. Also, we operate both an asset-based company and a brokerage and I was frustrated that I didn’t have one central platform for both.

How do your drivers like using PortPro?

All of our drivers love the driver mobile app!  As a matter of fact, we're installing the tablets in all of our trucks. It's straightforward, and they can upload documents on the go. Even better with PortPro’s tracking and appointment-setting features. We don't have to upload any documents. PortPro automatically pulls from the terminals. Our drivers also have the option to take a photo of the supporting document and it automatically flows into the system.

How much time are you and your team saving as a result of using PortPro?

I would say we save many hours of our time, from multiple teams, on a weekly basis. That translates into big savings, even giving us back whole days on a quarterly basis!  Before PortPro, if you do it manually, it's far too time consuming. The drivers had to organize the supporting documents, all the hard copies, and then give them to the dispatcher.  It was a very time-consuming, tedious task and resulted in lots of human errors.

Related to time, how have your billing operations been impacted?

It's not just about saving time for DILE and our people, it's helping with the cash flow as well because our bills go out faster than ever.  It also helps with communications and customer service. Because our people get things done so much more efficiently, they are motivated to do other things that are more growth-oriented and important for all of us.

Improving our cash flow is a big deal. The faster we bill, the faster we collect revenue -  and that’s good for everyone.

What was that onboarding experience like?

It was a great experience – very thoughtful and comprehensive. PortPro coordinated a lot of training and had a great onboarding structure in place for people to learn the system, for customization, and for generating reports.  The initial training was thorough, supportive, and very user-friendly. We find PortPro to be very proactive with their customer support.  Quick responses all around. It helped us to get our dispatchers and everyone who used the system up to speed quickly.

Did you have training for the drivers?

PortPro provided some great tutorials that our drivers can access at their convenience. There is a library of tutorials making it easy as we bring on new drivers. The technology is really easy to learn – user-friendly and simple.

How was it integrating PortPro’s technology with other functions within the business, like your financial software? 

We are actually synced with our QuickBooks. Right now, the two systems are communicating, saving our accounting team time reconciling our books.  PortPro had already done their homework on the back-end with their API integration.

Phil's Favorite PortPro Features

#1 Overall, the user interface with PortPro’s products is great!  The dispatch dashboard is very clear. The information is condensed. At the very top, you have summaries based on the status of all the shipments. You can drill down by the status that you customize yourself. We love the customization part. We have multiple dispatchers and senior planners. They can customize the look, feel, and type of  information they want.  It is very flexible, straight to the point…very straightforward.

#2 The new solution – more of a hybrid approach is great.  For businesses like ours that have assets and a brokerage, it’s a game-changer. PortPro’s interface is easy-to-use and customizable, saving my team hours each week and making DILE’s  billing more efficient so we get paid faster. Thats a BIG opportunity cost – allowing us to focus on growing the business.

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The most advanced modern operating software for drayage carriers, brokers and 3pls built to improve operations, save time, and grow revenue.