Driver Planner & Itinerary
Plan Your Driver Routing and Scheduling
Using PortPro's Driver Planner & Itinerary, you can better plan your driver routing and scheduling for the day, week or however far in advance you'd like.

Select Day To Plan
Select Day To Plan
Select the day in which you want to plan your driver’s schedule (today, tomorrow, or a specific date) in our drayage scheduling software. The “As of Today” option shows you any future loads and the loads that are currently being worked on. The driver planner is updated in real-time, so when drivers complete a move, that move will fall off their driver planner and you will only see what’s remaining for the day.
Filter Driver List
Filter Your Driver List
Filter your driver list in our drayage scheduling software by either drivers that are “not assigned” loads (meaning they are available for dispatch) or by a specific driver group based on the Driver Tags you set (ie. owner operators, hazmat drivers, local drivers, etc.) within our driver scheduling software.

Filter Chassis List
Filter Chassis List
You can filter all of your chassis within our drayage scheduling software to see which are available and which are in use. The filter will display the chassis number and current location. This information allows you to assign an available chassis to use when picking up a container, bringing increased clarity to driver routing and scheduling.
Filter Loads
Filter Your Loads
Filter your loads on the right hand side of the driver planner to look for loads that make sense for the driver to move. For example, you can use our drayage scheduling software to filter by specific appointment dates, locations or customers. If a driver is dropping a container, you can filter by that location to find any empties available.

Drag & Drop Load
Drag & Drop Load Onto
Driver's Schedule
Once you filter down the load that you want to assign to your driver, simply drag and drop that load onto the driver’s schedule in the driver planner.
*Pro-Tip: because PortPro is a web-based system, you can open up multiple web-browser tabs (ie. the dispatcher board on one tab and the driver planner on another tab) and you can drag a load from the dispatcher board and drop it into the driver scheduler in the driver planner.

Re-Confirm Routing
Re-Confirm Driver Routing and Scheduling
Once you add a load to a driver’s schedule in the driver planner, the routing page will pop up so you can confirm the routing events are accurate, make modifications, if needed, and even add notes for the driver.

Dispatch Load
Dispatch Load To Driver's App
Easily adjust driver routing and scheduling by dragging and dropping the loads around in the order you’d like the drivers to work on them. When you have finished using our driver planner to set your driver’s schedule, simply click on the green check mark to send the load(s) to the driver’s mobile app.
Driver Itinerary
Driver Itinerary
To view a specific driver’s schedule (by move or by event), you can click on the driver’s name directly from within the driver planner.
Driver Itinerary
On the itinerary tab of the driver scheduling software, you can view a list of the loads assigned to a particular driver broken down by event. Here, you can view:
Time stamps of when each event milestone was completed
How long the driver was at each location
The distance between each event
Driver pay for each event

Why PortPro?
Simplify Driver Scheduling and Routing with PortPro's Driver Planner
Efficiently manage your operations with PortPro’s driver planner tool, designed to streamline scheduling and routing processes. Whether you’re assigning loads or planning multi-stop routes, our driver scheduling software ensures maximum productivity with minimal effort. The intuitive interface makes it easy to assign trips, track progress, and adapt to changes in real-time. By using this powerful scheduling software, you can create optimized driver itineraries, reducing idle time and boosting overall efficiency. PortPro combines driver routing and scheduling into one smooth process, giving your team the flexibility to adjust on the go and ensuring every load is handled on time. Experience the benefits of a driver scheduler specifically built for the fast-paced drayage logistics industry.

The Next Level of Drayage Logistics
with PortPro
Ready to revolutionize your drayage operations? Join the ranks of industry leaders and transform your operations with PortPro's suite of solutions.
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